Remove haphazardly put wires, cables within 15 days: SMC to telecom services, cable operators
Srinagar, Feb 02 : The Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) on Thursday directed the telecom service providers to remove the haphazardly put wires, lines, cables, junction boxes and other utilities above ground within 15 days failing which the corporation will disconnect or remove these cables at the risk and cost of the concerned telecom service providers, internet and cable operators in Srinagar.
A public has been issued by SMC Commissioner, Athar Aamir Khan, a copy of which lies with the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), reads that it has been observed that various telecom service operators, internet providers, local cable network operators etc have laid cables, wires, OFCs, junction boxes, utilities etc in a very unorganized and haphazard manner along various roads, areas and streets in Srinagar City.
These cables, wires lines and junction boxes are mostly dangling from electric poles and in some cases entire rolls are lying on the ground underneath the poles and in some cases these rolls are shattered all along the roads and streets, it said.
These haphazardly put cables, wires, utilities, lines and junction boxes have created a public nuisance besides being dangerous to life and property as well as making the city aesthetically poor.
“The telecom service operators, providers and local cable network operators have time and again been instructed and directed to reorganize these cables, wires, lines, junction boxes and utilities in an ordered manner following the protocols & norms. The telecom service operators, internet providers and local cable network operators and other such entities responsible for putting these wires, cables etc have failed to do so, and these haphazardly put cables, wires, lines etc continue to create public nuisance and pose threat to public life in Srinagar city.”
“In terms of The Jammu And Kashmir Municipal Corporation Act, 2000 as amended from time to time; nuisance includes, “any act, omission, place, animal or a thing which causes or is likely to cause injury, danger, annoyance or offence to the sense of sight, smell or hearing or disturbance to rest or sleep or which is or may be dangerous to life or injurious to health or property”.
Placing of cables, wires and OFCs in such a manner as explained creates a public nuisance and is hazardous to life and property, it added.
“Now therefore all the telecom service operators and internet providers and local cable network operators and other such entities responsible for putting these wires, cables etc are hereby given a final opportunity to remove these wires, lines, cables, junction boxes, utilities etc within 15 days from the issue of this notice failing which Srinagar Municipal Corporation will disconnect or remove these cables, lines, wires, junction boxes, utilities etc at the risk and cost of the concerned telecom service providers, internet operators, cable operators. Any new laying of cables shall be done only after getting requisite permissions, clearances and following due protocols and norms applicable,” it said—(KNO)

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