Woman Dies After Hit By Unknown Biker in Lolab Kupwara


Woman Dies After Hit By Unknown Biker in Lolab Kupwara


Jahangir Lolabi

Srinagar, Oct 12 (GNS): A woman was killed after being hit by an unknown biker in Lolab area in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district, official sources said.


They told GNS that one Rafiqa Begum, wife of Ghulam Nabi Dar, of Chandigam Lolab was hit by the biker near Apex Model School Gundmacher. “The woman was evacuated in injured condition to SDH Sogam from where she was referred to GMC Handwara where she succumbed soon after”, the official sources said.


Confirming the incident, an official told GNS that they have registered a case in this matter for further investigations. (GNS)

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