JKSSB Driving Test Result Declared for the posts of Driver/ Tractor Driver
Result of Driving Test for the posts of Driver/ Tractor Driver, in different Cadres / Departments in pursuance to Advertisement Notification Nos. 04, 05, 06 07 of 2020 & 01, 02, 03 of 2021 under various item Nos.
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Whereas, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) vide Notification
No. JKSSB/19/2022-01, dated: 01-11-2022, issued the result of Driving Test for the
posts of Driver / Tractor Driver, in different cadres / departments in pursuance to the
Advertisement Nos 04, 05, 06, 07 of 2020 and 01, 02, 03 of 2021, under various Items
Whereas, in response to aforesaid result Notification, 09 representations were
received from candidates;
Whereas, 02 Committees were Constituted vide Order No: 354 of 2022 dated: 30.12.22
for consideration and disposal of representations so received;
Whereas, the Committees have examined the matter on the basis of records including
the videography of the Driving Test and made recommendations thereof and;
Now, therefore, in view of the above, the candidates figuring in Annexure “A” and “B”
to this notification, are hereby declared to have qualified the Driving Test for the post of
Driver / Tractor Driver, in different Cadres / Departments in pursuance to the
Advertisement Nos. 04, 05, 06, 07 of 2020 & 01, 02, 03 of 2021, under various Item
Nos. making them eligible for appearing in the Computer Based Written Test (CBT)
notified vide Notice No. JKSSB-COE0EXAM/10/2022-04(CC-7055504), dated: 06-01-2023.

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