Notification Sub: Tentative date for the commencement of Practical Examination of Higher Secondary Part-11 (Class le) Session Annual (Regular) examination 2023 for schools falling in soft zone areas (erstwhile Summer Zone Areas) of Jammu Division.
It is hereby notified for the information of all the concerned that the Practical Examination (External) of Higher Secondary Part-II (Class 12°) Session Annual (Regular) 2023 of soft zone areas (erstwhile Summer Zone Areas) of Jammu Division shall be tentatively held from 06-02-2023.
The Examination Section/ Sub/Branch offices shall issue a detailed practical date sheets in this regard in due course of time for schools falling under their jurisdiction.

The Practical (External) Examinations for rest of the areas i.e. Kashmir Division, (both soft and Hard zone areas), Hard zone areas of Jammu Division (erstwhile winter zone Areas of Jammu Division) and UT of Ladakh shall commence after the culmination of the Annual (Regular) Examination scheduled to be held in the month of March & April, 2023.
No: F (Arad-C) Pract/Exam/SZ/X11/2023. Dated: 14-01-2023.
Copy to:-
Direc r Academics \q\s’
Pnncipal Secretary to Govt School Education Department, Civil Secretariat, Sgr/Jamrnu for information 2• Principal Secretary to Govt Education Depanment UT of Ladakh for information 3• Director School Education Kishmir/Jammtt/Ladskh for information. 4- Joint Secretary, Ersuninmion/Setrecy/General/ITSS K.D/1 D for information. Financal Advisor/CAO JK BOSE for information 6- Deputy Dintctor, Academics CDR Wing J D/K.D for information. 7. All Chief Education officers of UT of AK/Ladakh for information_ 8. All Deputy/Assistant Secretuies of the Board for information 9- All Principals/Heads of (Govt /Pvt ) institutions affiliated with BE BOSE for information end necessary action 10- Assistant/Deputy, Secretary, ExaminalionSecrecy J.D/K.D for information and n/action. I I- Assistant Secretary, Central Secrecy (Confidential) for information. 12. AMU., Secretary/Deputy Secretary, Registration/ Forms/ Certificates J .D/K.D for information 13• Assistant Secretary Leh/Kargil for infoffnation 14- Accounts officer 1 DIX D for inlbrmation 15- All Sub/Branch offices of the Board for information 16- P/S to Chairman/Secretary for information of the Chairman/Secretary 17- Assistant Secretary Strong Room K.DIJ.D fa information I 8- Inchargc 1755 wing 1 D/K.0 for information & ninction 19. Inform.. officer K Das for information Heishe is requested to notify the said notification in locale dailies 20- Notice Board/ Concerned Ste

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