School Edu Deptt receives info in piecemeal of upcoming retiring employees: DSEK
Srinagar, Jan 23 : School Education Department Monday said that it was receiving information in a ‘piecemeal’ of the retiring employees who are due to retire within the next 24 to 30 months.
Besides, the department also said that in some cases, it has received the information after retirement on superannuation of the employees.
The news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) has leant that the Director of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) in a circular has said that as per the Article 285 (a) (I) of JK CSR Volume-I reads, “Every Head of Department shall have a list prepared every six months that is on January-01 and July-15, each year of all Gazetted and Non Gazetted Government servants who are due to retire within the next 24 to 30 months of date”.
“It has been observed that the Chief Education Officers (CEOs), Principal District Institute of Education and Trainings (DIETs) of Kashmir division submit cases of retirement notifications in respect of retiring employees in piece meals and even on case to case basis,” DSEK said.
It further mentioned that there were also some instances where cases have been received after retirement on superannuation of the employees. “This practice on the part of forwarding authorities creates confusion while issuing retirement notifications and even put the employees to unnecessary hardships.”
The director accordingly impressed upon all the CEOs, principal DIETs to submit all the cases with regard to issuance of retirement notifications of the employees due for retirement on superannuation in the subsequent year by 10th of December every year so that the department will notify retirement on superannuation pension by the start of a particular year.
“Pending cases, if any, pertaining to Calendar year 2023 shall be submitted by or before January-30-2023, positively. Any deviation shall be the personal responsibility of the CEO and principal DIET,” DSEK said—(KNO)

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