Name of the Post: Pharmacists Recruitment 2023 in PMBJK – Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras
Post Date: 04-02-2023
Total Vacancy: 11
Pharmacists Recruitment 2023 – Eligibility, Salary, Selection Process, Important Dates and Full Notification: Cheif Medical Officer Baramulla has invited applications from eligible Registered Pharmacists to work on profit sharing basis in the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras (PMBJK) to be set up by the department in the following institutions as per the vacancies given below
Pharmacists Recruitment 2023: Overview
Pharmacists Recruitment 2023 in PMBJK: Full Notification
Important Dates:
Last Date of Submission of applications: 12-02-2023
Educational Qualification:
The candidate shall be a Pharmacist, registered with JSK Pharmacy Council. Preference shall be given to the candidates having Diploma in Pharmacy or higher related qualifications from a recognized Institute and must have a working knowledge of operating computers for billing purposes.
Age Limit:
The maximum age limit is 40 years. Age shall be one of the factors while deciding selection criteria as candidate more in age shall have better advantages over the younger candidates.
Pharmacists Recruitment 2023 in Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras: Vacancy Details
Name of Posts: Pharmacist
The applicant shall be a permanent resident of J&K state and preferably residing in the District where Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Aushadhi Kendra (PMBJK) is to be set up can apply.
Pharmacists Recruitment 2023 in PMBJK: How To Apply?
Application forms along with attested copies of PRC, Matriculation Certificate, Date of Birth Certificate Marks sheets, Diploma in Pharmacy, Computer certificate, and NOC from MC & Employment department, in the office of Chief Medical Officer Baramulla through registered post or delivery in person upto 12-02-2023.
Official Notification PDF CLICK HERE

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