J&K Sainik School Manasbal Admission Notice for Class 6th and 9th Session 2023
JK Student News
Admission to class VI ( IX session (2023-24). Online applications are invited from the eligible students of Kashmir Division & Ladakh UT for admission in class VI & IX session 2023-24 against available seats in the School.
Application forms arc available online on School website Students fulfilling eligibility criteria can apply for the J&K Sainik School Entrance Examination admission test – 2023 (J KS S E E) Eligibility to appear in JKSSEE-2023.

Class VI Academic _qualification pass from any Government or private iccuwdsed School. (Students appearing m class So’ watmiximion in March, 2023 can also apply, However lx-sides qualifying the entrance test their admission is subject to their promotion to the next higher class_
IX Between 02.07.2008 ► 01.07.2010 Ihoth dates inclusive)
EP” pass from arty Government or private recognised School. (Students appearing in class 8° examination in March, 2023 can also apply. However. besides qualifying the entrance test their admission is subject to their promotion to the next higher cth
Important dates:
Online submission of forms & deposition of fcc From 01.01.2023 to through Credit/Debit card/Net banking. (Non 15.02.2023 (05:00 pm). refundable) Entrance test will be conducted in the month of April, 2023
Candidates will have to submit the application form and fee of Rs. 550/- (Rupees five hundred fifty only) online before the last date.
Candidates arc advised to read die prospectus carefully and go through the instructions regarding filling up of online application form available on School website.
Candidates must ensure e-mail address and mobile number provided in the online application form of their own or that of their parents, as all information / communication will be sent by the School through enyzil..cep thc given c-mail address or SMS on given mobile number.

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