Date Sheet for Paramedical / Nursing Trainees for the Session Oct-Nov’2022
The Examination of all eligible failure/ Backlog Other eligible Nursing/Paramedical Trainees of Government AMT/
ANMT Schools/GNM Schools/ Private Paramedical/Nursing Institutions of Jammu/Kashmir/Ladakh Divisions affiliated with J&K
Paramedical/Nursing Council including Leh and Kargil for Annual/Bi-Annual for the Session OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2022″ shall, be conducted as per Date Sheet Notified hereunder for Theory Part of Examination
It is accordingly enjoined upon all the Principals/Heads of the Institutionts) of Govt. AMT/ANMT Schools /GNM Schools Private Paramedical Institutions concerned will accordingly issue Roll Number Slips to the examinees, once the same is received from the office of the J&K State Paramedical Nursing Council Jammu Srinagar. The examination will start at 12:00 Noon
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