Directs them to register unreported new admissions by April-05
Bhat Imran
Srinagar, Apr 03 (KNO): School Education Department Monday said that due to lackadaisical approach of some school heads, some of the newly enrolled students who have been admitted in government schools till now by virtue of mega enrolment campaign 2023-24 have not been registered on the official web-link.
According to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Director of School Education Kashmir (DSEK), Tassaduq Hussain Mir has said, “t has come to the notice of undersioned that some of the newly enrolled students who have been admitted in Government schools till now by virtue of Mega Enrolment Campaign 2023-24 have not been registered on the link developed by this office for proper records.”
Mir said, “There are some school heads who are showing lackadaisical attitude in registering the newly admitted students on the link or have registered only some of the children admitted in their schools till now.”
“As such all the Joint Directors, Chief Education Officers, Cluster Heads and Zonal Education Officers are put under strict instructions to direct the school heads under their jurisdiction to immediately register the New admissions in Pre-Primar, Transfer cases and Out of School children category of students who have not yet been registered on the official link till April-05 2023,” the director said.
He further said that the new admissions for Secondary and Higher Secondary Classes regarding transfer cases whenever done, should immediately be registered on the said link even after 5th of April 2023. “Any laxity in this regard will be seriously viewed.”—(KNO)

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