JKBOSE 12th Class Datesheet Released- Check Here
JKBOSE Datesheet: Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (BOSE) will release subject-wise date-sheet for Class X, XI, and XII exams next week.
BOSE was waiting for some entrance tests and job interviews to get over so that they will kick off the exam process in Jammu and Kashmir. Examination of all three classes will now start from March 4.
“Date sheets have been finalized. We had to make some changes because there were some entrance exams for different departments. Exams will tentatively start on March 4, 5, and 6 for all the three classes,” Manisha Sarin, Secretary, BOSE, told The Kashmir Monitor.
Sarin said the subject-wise date sheet will be released within two to three days. “All arrangements have been finalized. We will make proper heating arrangements. Rest of the arrangements will remain the same,” she said.

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