Class 9th Syllabus 2023 – Download


Jkbose 9th Syllabus 2023: The JK Board Class 9 Syllabus consists of chapter wise marks distribution, chapters contained in a subject along with the sub topics and section wise marks distribution of all subjects. It will also provide an overview of the JKBOSE Class 9 curriculum and let students know what they are going to study in entire academic session

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Jkbose Class 9th Syllabus 2023 – Download PDF

Jkbose 9th Syllabus 2023: The JK Board Class 9 Syllabus consists of chapter wise marks distribution, chapters contained in a subject along with the sub topics and section wise marks distribution of all subjects. It will also provide an overview of the JKBOSE Class 9 curriculum and let students know what they are going to study in entire academic session.

Name of the organization Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE)
Name of Class 9th Class
Name of the Subject Urdu, English, Political Science, Science, Economics & Disaster Management
Syllabus Download JKBOSE Syllabus 2023 for Class 9th
Official language Urdu, English, Hindi
Official Website

JKBOSE Class 9 Subject List

Students studying in Class 9 of JK Board have to study 5 subjects as a compulsory subjects as mentioned below:

Compulsory Subjects

  1. General English
  2. Urdu or Hindi
  3. Mathematics
  4. Social Science
  5. Science

Also, they can opt one additional language as a subject.

Additional Language/Subjects:

  1. Urdu
  2. Kashmiri
  3. Arabic
  4. Persian
  5. Hindi
  6. Dogri
  7. Sanskrit
  8. Bhoti
  9. Punjabi
  10. Computer Education

DOWNLOAD Jkbose 9th Syllabus 2023 Below

How to download the Detailed Jkbose 9th Syllabus 2023?

  • Step 1: Visit the official website 
  • Step 2: Click on the bar at the bottom “Enter main site”
  • Step 3: A new tab will open,
  • Step 4: Click on the Red tab “Student”
  • Step 5: Then click on “Syllabus”, then click on “class 9th”
  • Step 6: You will be redirected to a page where you will see a link with the name “Syllabi and Courses of Study for Class IX”, click on the link, and a PDF file will be opened. 
  • Step 7: Download the PDF File and take a printout for further use.
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