JKPSC Recruitment Notification 2023: 378 Medical Officers VacanciesJKPSC Notification Recruitment 2023: Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) has invited online applications for eligible candidates for filling up the post of Medical Officer in the Health & Medical Education Department, J&K.
JKPSC Notification Recruitment 2023 Overview:Organization Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC)Post Medical OfficerNo. of Posts 378Category Government JobJob Location Jammu and KashmirSelection Process Written Exam/InterviewApplication Mode OnlineOfficial Website http://jkpsc.nic.in
Important Dates: Candidates can check all the important dates related to JKPSC Recruitment in the given table below.JKPSC Recruitment for Medical Officer Vacancy Details:
Name of Post Medical Officers Department Health & Medical Education Department, J&KNo. of Posts 378 Posts [Backlog Vacancies; 180 (Ist Special Drive) and 198 (2nd Special Drive)]

Salary Rs. 52,700 – 1,66,700/-
Eligibility for Medical Officers Recruitment:Educational
Qualifications: Medical Officers: MBBS or Possession of recognized Graduate Medical qualification included in the first or second schedule or part ll of the 3rd Scheduled (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of education qualifications included in part of the 3rd Scheduled should fulfill the conditions stipulated in sub-section (3) of section (13) of the Indian Medical Council Act 1956.Age Limit as on 01 Jan 2023:
Category Age Limit OM 40 yearsSC/ST/ALC-IB/SLC/EWS/PSP 43 yearsPHC 42 yearsIn service candidate 40 yearsHow to Apply for JKPSC Recruitment 2023 for Medical Officers?Candidates are required to apply online through the website of the Commission i.e. http://www,jkpsc.nicin.
Steps to Apply: Visit the JKPSC’s official website www,jkpsc.nic.in.Click on the link “One Time Registration” or click on the Login menu if you have already registered.After logging into your account, candidates are required to fill in all the required fields.Pay the application fee and submit the form.
Take a printout of the application for future use.JKPSC Recruitment 2023
Important Links:
JKPSC Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF CLICK HERE

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