JKBOSE Big Update Regarding Class 10th and 12th Datesheet 2023
Please be advised that there are currently fake JKBOSE datesheets being circulated on social media.
These datesheets should not be trusted or believed, as the JKBOSE has not yet released the official datesheet for exams.
When the official datesheet is released, it will be posted on the JKBOSE website, so it is best to wait for the official datesheet and to disregard any datesheets that may be circulating on social media or other unofficial channels.
Please note that this information has not been officially confirmed by the JKBOSE and should be treated as unconfirmed until an official announcement is made.
Steps to download JKBOSE Class 10th & 12th Date Sheet 2023
Candidates by following the steps can download the JKBOSE Class 10th and 12th Date Sheet 2023
Candidates by following the steps can download the JKBOSE Class 10th and 12th Date Sheet 2023
Visit the JK board’s official website jkbose.nic.in.
Go to the Student Menu.
Select either Jammu division or Kashmir division in Menu.
Then Click on the “JKBOSE Provisional Datasheet 2023”.
Download the PDF & Save it for future reference.

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