Syllabus for P.G Entrance in Gender Studies for the Session 2023-2024 – Check Here


Kashmir University

Syllabus for P.G Entrance in Gender Studies for the Session  2023-2024

Note: M.A Gender studies is a Social Science course, Gender Studies is a field for interdisciplinary study devoted to gender identity and gendered construction as centre categories of analysis.

This field includes Women’s Studies (Concerning Women Feminism, Gender and
Politics). Gender Studies critically analyses the themes of gender performance and power in a range of social spheres, such as education, law, culture, work, medicine and the family.

Thus thesyllabus framed for the entrance test will cover topics from varied disciplines of gender studies.

The paper will be set as per pattern of PG entrance test paper of other disciplines conducted by this university.

Unit-01: Basic Concepts

Sex & Gender, Social/Cultural Construction of Gender, Gender Socialization, Patriarchy, Gender  Stereotyping, Gender Roles, Private Vs Pubic Domain.

Unit-02: Origin and Evolution of Feminism
Understanding Feminism, Waves of Feminism.
Theories of Feminism: Liberal, Radical, Marxist.

Unit-03: Women’s Studies as an Academic Discipline “Towards Equality Report”: Status of Women in India.
Origin and Growth of Women’s Studies Programmes in India. Women’s Studies as an agent of Change and Role of UGC.

Unit- 04: Gender and Social Institution
Marriage: Meaning of Marriage, Types of Marriage. Family: Distinctive Features of Family, Types of Family – Matriarchal and Patriarchal, joint and Nuclear Family, Matrilocal and patrilocal, Matrilineal and patrilineal, Kinship: Definition, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary kins.

Unit- 05: Gender Based Violence

Gender Violence in Private Sphere: Foeticide, Infanticide, Domestic Violence, Marital Rape,

Honour Killing, Gender Violence in public places: Sexual Harassment, Eve Teasing,

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Molestation, Kidnapping, Abduction, Rape.

Unit-06: Structures of Gender Inequality

Patterns of Gender inequality in terms of Caste, Class, Religion, Race. Understanding Ethnicity

and State as Structures of Patriarchy.

Unit –07: Gender and Education

Gender Gaps in drops outs, Gender Bias in Enrolment.

Female Literacy Rates in the context of India with Special focus on Jammu and Kashmir.

National Education Policy 2020 from the perspective of Gender.

Unit-08: Gender and Health

Sex Ratio, Maternal Mortality Rate. Reproductive and Child Health (RCH), Surrogacy.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS); Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).

Women and Health policies of India: National Health Mission.

Unit –09: Women in Indian Society

Women in Ancient India (Vedic Period), Women in Medieval India (Special Focus on Jammu

and Kashmir), Women during Anti-Colonial/Nationalist Movements, Present Status of Women

in India.

Unit – 10: Laws and legislations of Women in India

Indian Constitution: Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles related to women. Domestic

Violence Act; Dowry Prohibition Act. Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act (POSH Act),

Maternity Benefit Act, Equal Remuneration Act (ERA).

Unit –11: Women and Political Rights

Women and Political Participation in India, Right to Vote, Women and Political Parties, 73rd

and 74th Constitutional Amendment, Women’s Reservation Bill.

Unit –12: Social Reform Movements in India and Women

Contributions of Brahma Samaj, Arya Samaj, Prathana Samaj, Jyotiba Phule, Savitribai Phule,

Sarojini Naidu, Fatima Sheikh, Pandita Rama Bai, Tarabai Shinde and E.V. Ramaswamy.

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