Railway Recruitment 2023, RRC Vacancy Apply Online, Notification PDF
The Ministry of Railways has released the Railway Recruitment 2023 for 7000+ Posts of Apprentice and others. Now if you have also passed the ITI or Diploma courses then you should download the RRC Apprentice Recruitment 2023 Notification which is released for different zones on their official website. Moreover, you can also find the Important Dates related to Railway Apprentice Bharti 2023 so that you can fill the form before the last date. We have clearly mentioned the RRC Recruitment 2023 Eligibility using which you can see whether you are eligible to fill the form or Moreover, you can get to know the RRB Bharti 2023 Age Limit and Railway 10th Pass Vacancy 2023 for which you can Apply Online. As we know, 10th Vacancies are released by Railway, similarly Railway 12th Pass Vacancy 2023 is also released for various vacancies. You should know that Link to Apply Online Railway Recruitment 2023 is open from January to February 2023 and you can use the link in this post to apply onli
Railway Recruitment 2
As we know, Indian Railway releases the multiple vacancies for 10th pass and 12th Pass aspirants. Recently, SER, NWR, SCR released the Railway Recruitment 2023 for the post of Apprentice in which all the eligible candidates can apply online. If you have done the ITI or Diploma Course then you can Apply Online RRC Apprentice Recruitment 2023 and then get selected in it.
Moreover, you should know that apprentices in the Indian Railways get good jobs and can get permanent after completing their tenure. As per notification available online, there are 4103 Apprentice Vacancies under SCR, 2026 Vacancies under SER and 1785 Vacancies under NWR Region. You can Apply Online from 30 December onwards and Last Date to Register for these posts is 2nd February 2023. Official Links are given here for your reference so that you can Apply easily for the vacan
RRC Recruitment 2
The Railway Recruitment Cell under Indian Railways is responsible to conduct the recruitment of various cadres
This year also RRC Recruitment 2023 for Apprentice Vacancies were released online in which all the candidates can register
South Eastern Region, South Central Region and North Western Regions have released the notification for multiple vacancies
Online Applications are being invited on respective region portals till 29 January 2023
All the applicants who have passed the ITI or Diploma in different trades can apply online for this vacanc
Railway Apprentice Bharti 202
Recruitment Railway Apprentice Bharti
Supervising Body Indian Railwa
Region SCR, SER, NW
Total Vacancies 7914 Post
Post Name Apprentic
Online Form Start Date 30 December to 29 January 202
Eligibility ITI Pass or Diploma Holde
Documents Required for Online Form Domicile Certificate, ITI Certificate, e Aadhar Car
Age Limit 17 to 24 Year
Exam Date To be announce
Article Category Recruitmen
Official Website rrbsecunderabad.gov
All the applicants who are interested in Railway Apprentice Bharti 2023 should check the important dates mentioned above. Moreover, you must know that only 10th Pass candidates who have passed the ITI are eligible for the Apprentice recruitment which is published in the recent days. Minimum 45% Marks must be scored by the applicant in the written exam after doing the online registration to get selected for the next stage of the vacancy. All the candidates who have passed the written exam will be called for the documentation and then further selection will be do
RRC Recruitment 2023 Eligibil
As per RRC Recruitment 2023 Eligibility, we have laid a few points which you must read
First of all, you must have passed 10th or 12th Class from any board such as CBSE or State Board
Secondly, you should be ITI passed in any trade as per SCVT or NCVT and possess a valid certificate
Moreover, you must have done the Training as per rules in the regular company or any technical company
If you possess all the above mentioned qualifications then you are eligible as per RRC Recruitment 2023 Eligibility Criteri
RRB Bharti 2023 Age Limi
First of all, RRB Bharti 2023 Age Limit is different for different type of vacancies
For the post of Apprentice, Age Limit is 17-24 Years as on date of Notification
Secondly, for the Group D Posts Age Limit is 18-27 Years
Similarly, for all the Group A Posts, Age limit fixed by the authorities is 18-32 Year
Railway 10th Pass Vacancy 202
Many Vacancies in the Indian Railways are released for 10th Pass candidates such as Group D Vacancies and more. If you are also excited to know about the Railway 10th Pass Vacancy 2023 then you should get ready because the Apprentice Recruitment 2023 is released. In this recruitment, all the applicants who have passed 10th Class and ITI are allowed to register
Direct Link to Register these vacancies is given here on clicking which you can land on the application form pag
Guidelines to Apply Online Railway Recruitment 20
We request the eligible applicants to open the RRB Portal Such as rrbsecunderabad.gov.in
Now you need to tap on the Recruitment button and proceed further for various options available on this page
Guidelines to Apply Online Railway Recruitment 2
We request the eligible applicants to open the RRB Portal Such as rrbsecunderabad.gov.in
Now you need to tap on the Recruitment button and proceed further for various options available on this page
Select the Apprentice Recruitment or any other vacancy for which you wish to apply
Fill the Railway Bharti Form 2023 with details such as Name, Father Name, Qualification and more
Submit the Application Form and pay the fees to confirm your registration
Using these guidelines, all of you can Apply online for Railway Recruitment 202
Railway 12th Pass Vacancy 202
Many Vacancies are released online by different RRB Zones for the 12th Pass Candidates
If you have interest in Railway 12th Pass Vacancy 2023 then kindly wait for the Group D Notification
You can Register online, once the notification is released by the Railway Recruitment Board
After that, you have to start preparation for the Written Exam and then qualify it to get selected furthe
After that, Skill Test is conducted for the qualified candidates and after passing it you can get selected
Railway Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF Lin
FAQs on Railway Recruitment 2
What is the Last Date to Apply Online RRC Apprentice Recruitment 2023
You can Apply Online Railway Apprentice Bharti 2023 till 29 January 2023
Who is eligible for Railway Apprentice Recruitment 2023
All the 10th Pass and ITI Pass applicants are eligible for RRB Apprentice Bharti 2023
What is the Age Limit for Apprentice in Railway Recruitment 2023
Age Limit for Apprentice Post under Railway Recruitment 2023 is 17-24 Years?.?.?023k.r….33. …..023..23e..3s….ta…..ityne..tdsdr3esRy20233y…..023cy. 023ne.ot.uitment 2023?
Age Limit for Apprentice Post under Railway Recruitment 2023 is 17-24 Years.

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